Parasites In Humans
Find The Nastiest Parasites In Humans

Parasite Pictures And Videos

Pictures and videos about different parasites in humans. You will see real footage inside and outside humans. There are also animated videos on topics which cannot be otherwise explained. You will see and hear doctors and other professionals explaining the details and treatment options for most of the parasitic diseases. Some parasitic diseases have common symptoms that are illustrated with pictures of the infected people. There are also pictures of the life cycles of each parasite.

If you click one of the following links, you go to the picture and video page of that particular parasite. To return to this page for other species click the "Pictures And Videos" link on the navigational menu.



Anisakis pictures and videos

Ascaris lumbricoides - giant roundworm pictures and videos

Enterobius vermicularis - pinworm pictures and videos

Hookworm pictures and videos

Loa loa - eye worm - subcutaneous filariasis pictures and videos

Strongyloides stercoralis pictures and videos

Trichuris trichiura - whipworm pictures and videos

Wuchereria bancrofti - lymphatic filariasis - Elephantiasis pictures and videos


Fasciola hepatica - liver fluke pictures and videos

Fasciolopsis buski - intestinal fluke pictures and videos

Paragonimus westermani - lung fluke pictures and videos

Schistosoma - blood fluke pictures and videos


Diphyllobothrium latum - fish tapeworm pictures and videos

Hymenolepis nana - dwarf tapeworm pictures and videos

Taenia saginata - beef tapeworm pictures and videos

Taenia solium - pork tapeworm pictures And Videos


Balantidium coli pictures and videos

Entamoeba histolytica - amoebiasis pictures and videos

Giardia intestinalis pictures and videos

Leishmania pictures and videos

Plasmodium falciparum - malaria pictures and videos

Toxoplasma gondii pictures and videos

Trypanosoma brucei - sleeping sickness - tsetse fly pictures and videos

Skin Parasites

Cimex lectularius - bedbug pictures and videos

Dermatobia hominis - human botfly pictures and videos

Sarcoptes scabiei - scabies pictures and videos